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Seah Kam Chuan谢江泉

Seah Kam Chuan is a practicing artist specializing in the watercolour medium. As an active member of the Singapore Watercolour Society, he has served as the President of the Singapore Watercolour Society from 2000 -2006 when he introduced and set up the Singapore Watercolour Society's website.

Seah Kam Chuan is an ardent watercolourist, illustrator and art educator. His love for art started at the tender age of 8 years old when he was copying illustrations and drawings from pictures & illustrations that he can get hold on. Those drawings were good memories of his passions since young. During the foundation years in his art making, he had explored various mediums but settled for his love of watercolour for its transparency and fluidity which always results in many surprises in the process of seeing the paint interacting due to the timing and chemical reactions.

Being professionally trained in Graphic Design and Fine Arts has boasted his creations in the watercolour medium especially with the interest in adapting the local subject matters in his works. Always searching for subject matters that are close to his heart. Over the years of exploration, Kam Chuan has not stopped at one but many different subject matters that matter to him in one way or other. He is interested in capturing the many details on the subject matters of his choice such as his series of works encompassing on these subject matters, ‘Wheels of fortune’, ‘Kopitam’, ‘Bum boats’ & “Portraits”.
