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Chia Ah Gek谢亚玉

Past Exhibitions:
2019 • Succession/传承 - A watercolour exhibition featuring renowned local artist
Mr Goh Siew Guan and his students at Dunman High School.
• Singapore Expressions - SWS 50th Annual Exhibition

2020 • Colourful Splashes (Virtual Edition) - SWS 51ST Annual Exhibition

2021 • Colourful Splashes (Virtual Edition) - SWS 52nd Annual Exhibition

2023 • Colourful Splashes - SWS 54th Annual Exhibition

In the depths of an artist's soul, a battle began…
A fight against a foe she never planned.
Once adorned with colors, a master's touch,
Now faced with darkness, her spirit clutched.

Through tear-filled eyes, she sought a way,
To find expression, come what may.
With trembling hands and weakened frame,
She ventured forth, a new path to claim.

Her expression:
Through ‘勇者不屈 -Indomitable Spirit’ - she wants to express...

The Grey Heron embodies resilience and perseverance in its solitary hunt. Standing statue-like at water's edge, it exudes patience, waiting for the ripple of opportunity. With indomitable spirit, it adapts to fluctuating tides and adverse weather, its determination unwavering. Through courage, it defends its territory, undeterred by challenges. In this ever-changing world, the heron thrives, its adaptability a testament to survival. Each stride through adversity strengthens its resolve, a reminder of nature's resilience.

The human mirrors the Grey Heron’s spirit, embracing change and learning from hardship. Ultimately, both the heron and humans embody the strength to endure, grow, and find beauty in the journey of life.
