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Chia Ah Gek谢亚玉

In the depths of an artist's soul, a battle began…
A fight against a foe she never planned.
Once adorned with colors, a master's touch,
Now faced with darkness, her spirit clutched.

Through tear-filled eyes, she sought a way,
To find expression, come what may.
With trembling hands and weakened frame,
She ventured forth, a new path to claim.

Her expression:
Through ‘银杏之夜’ /‘Night of the Ginkgo’ - she wants to express what Life is about...

Mighty gingko tree’s decisiveness,
Green today,
Gone tomorrow,
With blast of cold air,
One of autumn’s most mesmerising performances begins…

Leaves flutter down like flakes of gold,
A treasure trove to behold.
Beneath the moon's soft, silver glow,
The ginkgo leaves dance to and fro,
They twirl and swirl in graceful flight,
A symphony of color in the night.

The "Night of the Ginkgo" now completes,
A memory cherished, oh so sweet.

In this enchanting, fleeting view,
We find a lesson that is true,
In nature's rhythms, we find our part,
A deeper connection to every heart.
So, let us savor this precious sight,
A celebration of nature's might,
And when the night has bid adieu,
We'll cherish the ginkgo and memories, too…

Past Exhibitions:
• Succession/传承 -  A watercolour exhibition  featuring renowned local artist
Mr Goh Siew Guan and his students at Dunman High School.

• Singapore Expressions - SWS 50th Annual Exhibition

• Colourful Splashes (Virtual Edition) - SWS 51ST Annual Exhibition
• Colourful Splashes (Virtual Edition) - SWS 52nd Annual Exhibition
