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Lim Hsiang Iu林上祐

Hsiang Iu is from the island-nation of Singapore. He has a Bachelor of Architecture degree with honors from NUS, and was subsequently awarded the prestigious URA Overseas Scholarship and received a Master of Science degree in Architecture and Urban Design from Columbia University.
He has been a practising professional architect with his own firm for 38 years and is a Signatory Member of the Board of Architects and the Singapore Institute of Architects.
While growing up, most forms of art came intuitively to him; like painting, sculpting and photography. Having the opportunity to grow up in cosmopolitan cities like Washington DC, Bangkok, Tokyo and Hong Kong helped broaden his mindset. All this came to a halt when his father steered him into the architecture profession.
In 2015, prompted by a friend, he hesitantly pick up the brush. This reignited his passion for painting. Being self-taught and a novice at watercolor, he pitted himself at national and international levels to test the level of his abilities.
In 2016, he was elected to the Singapore Watercolour Society; and in 2019 he was accepted for the first time by the American Watercolor Society (AWS) for its Annual International Exhibition. This encouraged him to take up watercolours seriously. By 2023, he was awarded the AWS Barse Miller Award and subsequently became a Signature Member. For him, the journey is just beginning; and he endeavours to further develop his skills as an aquarellist.
His paintings are a pure representation of what he thinks he sees, that are meaningful to him. They capture a snapshot of his mind’s eye through the passage of life. Thoughts, observations, ideas that have preoccupied his consciousness, both personally and professionally. Hopefully, the paintings may affect the viewer in his own way from his own life experiences.

Exhibitions & Awards:
Singapore Watercolour Society 47th to 55th Annual Exhibition, 2016 - 2024
American Watercolor Society 152nd Annual International Exhibition, 2019
The Watercolour Society of Western Australia, International Watercolour Exhibition Fremantle 2020
The 12th Incheon World Art Exhibition, 2021
American Watercolor Society 156th Annual International Exhibition, 2023
Barse Miller Memorial Award 2023
American Watercolor Society 157th Annual International Exhibition, 2024
