Hoi attended a three-year full-time Fine Arts course at NAFA, majoring in painting. During the same period, she studied Chinese painting under the tutelage of Mr Chen Wen-Hsi. She also studied Chinese calligraphy under Mr Lee Kim Guan. Hoi later joined the Ministry of Education, responsible for creating teaching content for computer animation, design and drawing. She started watercolour painting in 2015 and has since been doing outdoor painting with her art peers. An active participant in local art exhibitions, Hoi joined the Society of Chinese Artists and Singapore Watercolour Society in 2019.
南洋艺术学院 三年课程。主修纯美术画系。同期间向陈文希老師学習中国画。李金源老师学习书法。及书法展览,1980年加入敎育部:负责电脑设计动画片及绘画学校教材。2015年加入—水彩画友平台,跟画友出外写生至今。2017和2018年与水彩画友举行技艺行十人画展。2019年进入中华美术研究会会员,同时 2019年参加冈上展览,及2019年成为水彩画会会员。