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Lee Kum Keng李錦祺

从小对美术颇为喜欢,只是没有遇到良师和学习机会。直到四十多岁那年,在一个偶然的机缘下认识了资深的水彩画家黎才专老师,还愿意接受我这没有绘画基础的老学生。 在黎老师的大公无私和细心教导下完成了我的第一幅水彩画。一年不到, 碰巧老师在筹备他的师生水彩画展,很幸运被邀请在千禧年参与了我人生的第一个画展。


Since young, Lee has been fond of painting. However due to the lack of a mentor for guidance and learning opportunities, Lee only discovered his painting capabilities in his forties, started his first watercolour artwork from a famous artist Mr Loy Chye Chuan. Mr Loy, a mentor generous in sharing valuable experience and wisdom pertaining to the art, under Loy attentive guidance and encouragement, Lee continued to hone his skills and participated his first teacher-cum-student watercolour art exhibition in the year of millennium.

Although busy with career commitments, Lee’s passion for painting did not cease, later he venture into outdoor painting with friends and well-known artist Mr Peh Eng Seng. Mr Peh taught him the importance of honing a keen foresight in finding the most scenic spots, choosing the main subject and emphasising it; through the simple method of downplaying and blurring the background to enrich the artwork scene. Most of all, Mr Peh’s vitality and attitude towards watercolour painting is something we all should learn from.

Passion for painting stems from our innate motivations, and its main purpose is to bring joy to its viewers. As the saying goes, ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’. Each painting originates from one’s individual skills and inspiration, it reflects his experiences and the thoughts he wishes to translate to his artwork.