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Donald Tan陳祺竹

Donald Tan is a Singaporean artist and the President of the Singapore Watercolour Society currently. 
He has always love drawing and painting from young. Despite his busy career, he enjoys spending his weekend visiting exhibitions, art fairs, galleries and museums viewing beautiful artworks and have an opportunity to interact with artists.  Hence, he developed a keen interest in fine arts and finally took up Chinese Ink and pastel paintings, Chinese Calligraphy and Watercolour painting. 
Through art, his life is also enriched by meeting many new friends  at various arts outings, events and groups.  They paint together outdoor locally and overseas on sceneries so as to capture the beautiful fond memories.  For studio works, Donald prefers to paint nature and especially chickens. These painting sessions became his favorite past time and hobby.
Donald was accepted as member of the Singapore Watercolour Society (SWS) in 2012 and served in several key appointments including the Secretary General and the Vice President. He helped to organise the members’ exhibition and the National Junior “On the spot” Watercolour Competitions annually.  He also coordinated many overseas exhibitions and painting trips for the society.
He has participated and exhibited his works locally and overseas organized by various art societies including China, Vietnam, Australia, Japan, Korea and Malaysia.
He is also a Life member of the Singapore Art Society and The Society of Chinese Artists.
