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Khoo Cheang Jin邱昌仁

Artist Biodata

Khoo Cheang Jin has been painting actively since graduated from the School of Architecture in UNSW, Australia. He likes to travel and always capture the scenes and people in watercolours and sketches, and has thus far held 12 solo exhibitions in Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Taiwan. He has been invited on many occasions to conduct demos and workshops during art events. He is the co-founder of Urban Sketchers Penang and currently serves as the President of Penang Water Colour Society. He also teaches part-time at The One Academy Penang.


邱昌仁,1963年生于马来西亚槟城,澳洲新南威尔斯大学建筑系毕业,自幼喜爱画画,钟情于描绘老街景物。他喜欢旅游,所到之处必以速写或水彩把当地建筑、风土人情描绘下来。他目前为槟城水彩画会会长,亦是槟城城市速写人发起人之一。此外,它也是槟城 The One Academy 的兼职水彩导师。
